Results for 'Arantxa Pizá Aragón'

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  1.  22
    Emotional stress in medical students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.Alba Brenda Daniel Guerrero, Carlos Arturo Rodríguez Reyna, Sara Morales López & Arantxa Pizá Aragón - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):497-515.
    El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto del estrés emocional en la adecuada toma de decisiones y práctica médica oportuna y de calidad de los estudiantes que cursan el quinto año de la carrera en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se utilizó una lista de valoración para las competencias de la simulación de reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada, y un Cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory para valorar los sentimientos, actitudes y de (...)
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    Assessment of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Vocational Training Students: Development of a New Scale and Relationships With Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative.Arantxa Gorostiaga, Jone Aliri, Imanol Ulacia, Goretti Soroa, Nekane Balluerka, Aitor Aritzeta & Alexander Muela - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:442005.
    Having emerged as an important concept in the organizational field, entrepreneurial orientation has also become a key idea in the context of education. Indeed, entrepreneurial education is now one of the common objectives for education and training systems in the European Union. Despite its importance, however, there is a scarcity of valid and reliable measures for assessing entrepreneurial orientation in students. The present study aimed to address this by developing and examining the psychometric properties of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (EOS). (...)
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    (1 other version)Simposio internacional sobre genetica Y conducta.Arantxa Azpíroz & Nieanor Ursúa - 1986 - Theoria 1 (3):847-854.
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    Dolor y memoria: los intertextos periodísticos en El libro centroamericano de los muertos de Balam Rodrigo.Rebeca Medina Aragón - 2022 - Argos 9 (23):10-19.
    El libro centroamericano de los muertos de Balam Rodrigo es un retrato del terrible viaje que realizan los migrantes centroamericanos al pasar por México. Este oscila entre el verso y la prosa poética, así como en la narrativa, pues en ocasiones los poemas cuentan historias de muerte y desamparo de una persona en particular. Aunado a esto se encuentran los encabezados o extractos de notas periodísticas que titulan algunos poemas o se mezclan con los versos. Así, la naturaleza del libro (...)
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    Einfluss nehmen auf Makroökonomie!Eugenia Piza Lopez & Regula Frey Nakomz (eds.) - 1998 - Zürich: Olympe.
  6.  33
    O God the Father at the Table.Pedro Luís de Toledo Piza - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03026-03026.
    The development of a kind of authority concentrated in one person is surely one of the main social processes in the first two centuries CE Christianity and also one of those which left the most perennial and influent legacies in the Christian Church of posterior centuries. In this sense, Ignatius of Antioch is not only an historical witness of the dynamics around such a process in Proconsular Asia of his time. He is also, and most of all, an historical agent (...)
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    México, Frontera Sur: mujeres migrantes y derechos humanos.Arantxa Robles - 2012 - Dilemata 10:367-374.
    Hacia la construcción de políticas públicas a favor de las mujeres migrantes. Caso Chiapas, México Nancy Pérez García (Coord.) Incide Social, A.C. Sin Fronteras, I.A.P. México, 2010. Mujeres migrantes en el Soconusco. Situación de su derecho a la salud, a la identidad y al trabajo Nancy Pérez García y Genoveva Roldán Dávila (Coords.) Incide Social, A.C., México, 2011.
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  8. Deconstruyendo a Darwin. Los enigmas de la evolución a la luz de la nueva genética: Entrevista a Javier Sampedro a propósito de la aparición de su libro.Arantxa Santos - 2003 - A Parte Rei 26:1.
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    GONZÁLEZ, W.J., Racionalidad, historicidad y predicción en Herbert A. Simon, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2003, 336 págs.Arantxa Serantes - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:228-229.
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    La Razón Abierta en las Artes Culinarias. Una propuesta.Arantxa De Miguel Uriarte - 2021 - Relectiones 8:61-77.
    La perspectiva de la Razón Abierta propone un método propio para el repensamiento de las ciencias. En concreto, sugiere analizar el contenido de cualquier ciencia desde las claves de la antropología fisiológica, la epistemología, la ética y la cuestión del sentido último. El artículo ofrece una primera definición del objeto formal y material de la ciencia gastronómica tal y como se entiende hoy en el ámbito universitario. A partir de aquí se analiza cómo, de las cuatro preguntas que propone la (...)
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    (1 other version)Jornada sobre lógica E informática en San Sebastián.Arantxa Zatarain - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):655-656.
  12. Agency, Complicity, and the Responsibility to Resist Structural Injustice.Corwin Aragon & Alison M. Jaggar - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (3):439-460.
  13.  43
    “So Happy I Could Shout!” and “So Happy I Could Cry!” Dimorphous expressions represent and communicate motivational aspects of positive emotions.Oriana R. Aragón & John A. Bargh - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):286-302.
    Happiness can be expressed through smiles. Happiness can also be expressed through physical displays that without context, would appear to be sadness and anger. These seemingly incongruent displays of happiness, termed dimorphous expressions, we propose, represent and communicate expressers’ motivational orientations. When participants reported their own aggressive expressions in positive or negative contexts, their expressions represented positive or negative emotional experiences respectively, imbued with appetitive orientations. In contrast, reported sad expressions, in positive or negative contexts, represented positive and negative emotional (...)
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  14.  27
    Responsible family ownership in small‐ and medium‐sized family enterprises: an exploratory study.Cristina Aragón Amonarriz & Cristina Iturrioz Landart - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (1):75-93.
    The concept of responsible ownership was originally developed with reference to large, publicly held firms. However, the relevance of small- and medium-sized closely held firms, such as family firms, in all economies and the specific governance and organisational characteristics of these firms require further examination of the responsible ownership concept and its operationalisation. Based on the existing literature, we define the construct of responsible family ownership to fill this gap in responsible ownership theory. We propose a scale that can be (...)
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    Comentário a “Teleontologia: a expressão metafísica da modernidade tardia”.Suze Piza - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e02400144.
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    Women in Politics: Are They Really Concerned about Equality?: An Essay on the Basque Political System.Arantxa Elizondo & Eva Martínez-Hernández - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (4):451-472.
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  17. Avatares históricos de la retórica.Arantxa Capdevila Gómez - 2005 - Aposta 19:1.
    La intención de este artículo es ofrecer una idea general de la historia de la retórica y repasar sus etapas principales, para así analizar mejor las tendencias actuales. Esta reseña histórica, además, permitirá ver la evolución y los cambios de la retórica y, sobre todo, las relaciones entre sus características en el pasado y las que tiene en el momento presente./////The aim of this article is to offer a general idea of the history of the Rhetoric and to revise its (...)
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    O hábito da reprodução de teorias: produção e ensino de filosofia no Brasil contempor'neo.Suze Oliveira Piza - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):985-1009.
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    Apresentação da Gênese e Estrutura da Antropologia de Kant de Michel Foucault.S. Piza - 2012 - Páginas de Filosofía 4 (1):3-5.
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    El joven Unamuno (influencia hegeliana y marxista).Manuel Pizán - 1970 - [Madrid]: Editorial Ayuso.
  21.  11
    Sequestro e resgate do conceito de necropolítica: convite para leitura de um texto.Suze Piza - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):129-148.
    Resumo: Neste ensaio filosófico, discute-se o uso superficial que tem sido feito pela academia, de um modo geral, do conceito de necropolítica do filósofo camaronês Achille Mbembe, bem como da apropriação desse conceito nas redes sociais. Expõem-se as origens filosóficas do conceito e a tradição em que ele está inserido, com indicação de fontes fundamentais para sua construção. Com isso, procura-se expor, mesmo que sumariamente, uma definição da necropolítica, ao mesmo tempo que se convoca o leitor ao estudo dos textos (...)
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    Sobre o Conceito de Poss E: Elementos da Doutrina do Direito de Kant.S. Piza - 2012 - Páginas de Filosofía 4 (1):39-54.
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    El currículo de Geografía e Historia en Secundaria.Ramiro de Miranda Y. Aragón - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 99:67-99.
    El currículo de Geografía e Historia en Secundaria.
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    Building a Case for Social Justice Situated Case Studies in Nonideal Social Theory.Corwin Aragon - 2021 - In Heidi Elizabeth Grasswick & Nancy Arden McHugh (eds.), Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 23-45.
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  25.  39
    “Tears of joy” & “smiles of joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.Oriana R. Aragón & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):913-940.
    ABSTRACTClose relationship partners often respond to happiness expressed through smiles with capitalization, i.e. they join in attempting to up-regulate and prolong the individual’s positive emotion, and they often respond to crying with interpersonal down-regulation of negative emotions, attempting to dampen the negative emotions. We investigated how people responded when happiness was expressed through tears, an expression termed dimorphous. We hypothesised that the physical expression of crying would prompt interpersonal down-regulation of emotion when the onlooker perceived that the expresser was experiencing (...)
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  26.  25
    Circumstance anguish: an iatrophilosophical model for depresalgia.Martín L. Vargas-Aragón - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 70:201-224.
    “Iatrophilosophy” is defined as the translational discipline between medicine and philosophy that has a double objective, theoretical and practical. It is presented a model of practical iatrophilosophy applied to chronic pain associated with depression and stress—depresalgia—, that expands Phenomenologic, Hermeneutic, Dynamic Psychotherapy (PHD) to the general medical field. It starts from the general model of the medical triad - disease, illness, and sickness- and, in the horizon of Ortega's anthropology, five nuclear metaphors are proposed: greed of the body, anguish of (...)
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  27. R.P.F. Petri de Aragon, Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, Artium, & Sacrætheologiæmagistri, & in Clarissima Salmanticensi Academia Publici Professoris, in Secundam Secundae D. Thomædoct. Angelici Commentaria, de Iustitia Et Iure.Petrus de Aragon, Thomas & Societas Minima - 1595 - Apud Minimam Societatem.
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  28.  62
    Global Gender Justice and Epistemic Oppression: A Response to an Epistemic Dilemma.Corwin Aragon - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    Critiques of Western feminists’ attempts to extend claims about gender injustice to the global context highlighted a dilemma facing Western feminists, what I call the global gender justice dilemma. In response to this dilemma, Alison M. Jaggar argues that Western feminists should turn our attention away from trying to resolve it and, instead, toward examination of our own complicity in the processes that produce injustice. I suggest that this kind of approach is helpful in responding to an additional dilemma that (...)
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    How Can Responsible Family Ownership be Sustained Across Generations? A Family Social Capital Approach.Cristina Aragón-Amonarriz, Agustín Mateo Arredondo & Cristina Iturrioz-Landart - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):161-185.
    Responsible family ownership is a combination of the family’s commitment to the family-firm’s stakeholders in the long term and the explicit behaviour of the family members associated with the firm. However, families are not individuals but rather a system of relationships among family members. In such a context, misunderstandings in communication, anachronistic mentalities and different value systems can block the intergenerational transmission of RFO. Consequently, the responsibility of the family towards the FF’s stakeholders may be damaged and the firm’s socially (...)
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    Empowerment without Rights.Corwin Aragon - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (1):115-122.
    In Women’s Activism, Feminism, and Social Justice, Margaret McLaren develops and argues for a new theoretical framework, the feminist social justice approach, that can guide ongoing feminist transnational solidarity projects. I briefly map out the main lines of argumentation in McLaren’s book and highlight some of the valuable contributions these arguments make to the intersecting sub-fields of global ethics, global justice, development ethics, and feminist philosophy. I then note two critical thoughts on the book. First, I argue that McLaren’s concessions (...)
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    La expresión de la fe en femenino.Felisa Elizondo Aragón - 2003 - Arbor 175 (689):751-771.
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    Cristianismo y Comunidades: la construcción de la Utopía.Pablo Augusto Guerra Aragone - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):671-695.
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    El respeto por los demás en el marco de la discusión Frankfurt-Raz.Gabriel Aragón Aranda - 2020 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 12 (2):9-22.
    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar analíticamente la cuestión del respeto atendiendo a su relevancia dentro de la filosofía moral. Para ello nos centraremos en la perspectiva aportada por Harry G. Frankfurt, subsidiaria, en alguna medida, del esclarecimiento previo que realizó a propósito del igualitarismo. Las tesis de Frankfurt serán, posteriormente, contrastadas con el comentario y la disquisición propia que realiza, a propósito del texto de dicho autor, Joseph Raz. Finalmente, tras analizar el diálogo establecido, extraeremos conclusiones respecto al (...)
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    La dimensión política de la deconstrucción.Luis Aragón González - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 54:45-59.
    En las páginas que siguen, vamos a realizar una lectura política del pensamiento de Derrida, dirigiendo nuestra atención, primero, a la deconstrucción de la escritura para centrarnos en el significado político de la différance , segundo, a la institución filosófica como vehículo de elaboración y transmisión del saber y, tercero, a lo que el pensador francés ha reunido bajo el rótulo figuras de lo imposible , con especial atención a la hospitalidad, la responsabilidad y la justicia.
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    Some Boolean Algebras with Finitely Many Distinguished Ideals I.Regina Aragón - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):485-504.
    We consider the theory Thprin of Boolean algebras with a principal ideal, the theory Thmax of Boolean algebras with a maximal ideal, the theory Thac of atomic Boolean algebras with an ideal where the supremum of the ideal exists, and the theory Thsa of atomless Boolean algebras with an ideal where the supremum of the ideal exists. First, we find elementary invariants for Thprin and Thsa. If T is a theory in a first order language and α is a linear (...)
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  36.  19
    El hombre galerista. ¿Podemos hablar de un arte asexuado, de forma neutra Y con independencia Del sexo? Depintrix, Dei autrix.Juan Carlos Rubio Aragonés - 2001 - Arbor 168 (663):355-364.
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    Participants' Understanding of the Process of Psychological Research: Debriefing.Alfredo S. Aragon, John P. Gluck & Janet L. Brody - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (1):13-25.
    In a broad-based study of experiences in psychological research, 65 undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological experiments were interviewed in depth. Overall findings demonstrated that participants hold varying views, with only 32% of participants characterizing their experiences as completely positive. Participants' descriptions of their debriefing experiences suggest substantial variability in the content, format, and general quality of debriefing practices. Just over 40% of the debriefing experiences were viewed favorably. Positive debriefing experiences were described as including a thorough explanation (...)
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  38. Making statements and approval voting.Enriqueta Aragones, Itzhak Gilboa & Andrew Weiss - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4):461-472.
    We assume that people have a need to make statements, and construct a model in which this need is the sole determinant of voting behavior. In this model, an individual selects a ballot that makes as close a statement as possible to her ideal point, where abstaining from voting is a possible (null) statement. We show that in such a model, a political system that adopts approval voting may be expected to enjoy a significantly higher rate of participation in elections (...)
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    Configuraciones formativas de los formadores desde sus constructos personales: retos, procesos y experiencias.Magaly Hernández Aragón - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-19.
    El estudio de la formación inicial del profesorado realizado al interior de las escuelas normales de México demanda situarla tanto en un espacio social, temporal e institucional específico como también volcar la mirada en los sujetos que la desarrollan, es decir, poner atención en el trabajo efectuado por los formadores. Esta investigación parte de tal reconocimiento, planteándose como objetivo analizar las configuraciones formativas que desarrollan los formadores, con base en sus constructos personales que comunican en los procesos de formación inicial (...)
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    Why and How Does Social Responsibility Differ Among SMEs? A Social Capital Systemic Approach.Cristina Aragón, Lorea Narvaiza & Maite Altuna - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):365-384.
    The existing analysis of heterogeneous social responsibility in small and medium enterprises has considered the effects of individual factors. However, no holistic analysis has been performed on how different factors of heterogeneity interact and how they collectively affect SR in SMEs. Here, we propose a new systemic approach—employing the social capital concept—with the aim of identifying how and why SR is built diversely in SMEs. In particular, we focus on a positive and holistic perspective that integrates the factors proposed in (...)
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  41.  29
    Contra el utilitarismo: el heterogéneo enfoque de los teóricos de la virtud.Gabriel Aragón Aranda - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 9 (1):67-88.
    El presente trabajo, perteneciente al campo de la ética normativa, tiene como propósito ofrecer una selección de objeciones relevantes al utilitarismo. Dicha selección viene dada por una serie de autores que guardan relación con la heterogénea ética de la virtud. En primer lugar, trataremos sucintamente el utilitarismo viendo en qué consiste en su sentido más general para pasar, en un segundo momento, a atender a ciertas críticas provenientes de Rachels, MacIntyre, Foot y, en especial, de Williams, donde el problema de (...)
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    Individuar, nos individuar e individuar em nós: a transindividualidade do conhecer.Luis Eduardo Ponciano Aragon - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (3):187-208.
    Propomos uma leitura da obra do filósofo Gilbert Simondon, com ênfase no conceito de transindividual. A partir deste percurso são discriminados elementos da ética e do processo do conhecimento no pensamento do autor.
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    Lenguaje y representación en la predictadura uruguaya: una lectura de Indicios pánicos, de Cristina Peri Rossi.Danny Cuéllar Aragón - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):48-61.
    The article inquires about the role of language in Cristina Peri Rossi’s Panic Signs [Indicios pánicos]. The hypothesis of the work is that language, as a mimetic instrument of representation and creation, established itself as a way to upgrade the relations of power during the Uruguayan pre-dictatorship. Being a qualitative research based on a hermeneutical approach, the article has the following aims: i) reconstruct the background to the dictatorship leaded by Juan Maria Bordaberry, ii) frame the work within the tradition (...)
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    Apología del ejercicio filosófico en sociedad.Gabriel Aragón Aranda - 2014 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):8-16.
    RESUMENEl presente trabajo, I premio de la II Olimpiada de filosofía de Málaga organizada por FICUM, pretende mostrar la importancia de una actitud filosófica en el marco social como garante de la libertad individual. Para ello se ha considerado en primer lugar el carácter intrínsecamente filosófico del ser humano pasando, posteriormente, a defender su presencia en lo social.PALABRAS CLAVEFILOSOFÍA, SOCIEDAD, LIBERTAD, INDIVIDUALIDAD.
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  45. Las emergencias: del impacto emotivo al compromiso solidario.María Carmen Aragonés - 2004 - Critica 54 (917):8-10.
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  46. Los niños y niñas trabajadores: Otra cara de la pobreza.María Carmen Aragonés - 2006 - Critica 56 (931):8-9.
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    Some Boolean algebras with finitely many distinguished ideals II.Regina Aragón - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (3):260.
    We describe the countably saturated models and prime models of the theory Thprin of Boolean algebras with a principal ideal, the theory Thmax of Boolean algebras with a maximal ideal, the theory Thac of atomic Boolean algebras with an ideal such that the supremum of the ideal exists, and the theory Thsa of atomless Boolean algebras with an ideal such that the supremum of the ideal exists. We prove that there are infinitely many completions of the theory of Boolean algebras (...)
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    Lactantius Before Lactantius? A Hexameter From the Carmina XII Sapientvm in an Inscription on Samian Ware From Belsinon (Hispania Tarraconensis).Isidro Aguilera Aragón & Borja Díaz Ariño - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):447-449.
    This paper presents a graffito written after firing on a Samian-ware bowl dated to the turn of the first and second centuries c.e., which seems to contain part of a hexameter included in the well-known anthology Carmina XII sapientum, the composition of which has recently been attributed to the Christian author Lactantius.
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  49. The international influence of the Societe zoologique d'acclimatation: Spanish participation between 1854 and 1861.Santiago Aragon - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (1).
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  50. La Educación desde la perspectiva de género: germen de una nueva democracia.María Carmen Aragonés & Isabel Pedrazuela - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):8-10.
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